
Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Democracy & Human Rights:Why Canadians Should Care about China with Martin Lee 

Founding Chairman, Democratic Party of Hong Kong

Friday, March 13, 2015
The Vancouver Club
UBC Room, 3rd Floor 
11:45 am  Registration & Casual Lunch 
12:15 pm  Presentation & Discussion 
1:30 pm   Wrap Up
Phone: 604-227-3563

$55 per ticket, plus GST
Please register in advance:

China’s status as an economic powerhouse has shone the light of the world on its record of democracy and human rights. The most honest information channel on these issues remains open via Hong Kong, whose own democratic status requires continuous vigilance and defense.

In today’s interconnected global environment, China’s actions internally and towards Hong Kong have implications not only for the large Canadian population living there, but also externally in regions where values are imported through investment, trade and immigration.

The relationship between the rule of law, democracy and the devolution of centralized power should be of concern to every global citizen who practises democracy and cares about its future. How can we best defend and promote these very Canadian values?

About the Speaker
At the forefront of the Chinese democracy-building movement has been Martin Lee, founding chair of Hong Kong’s largest and most popular political party, and a directly-elected legislator for 23 years.

A prominent and controversial figure on the international stage, Lee’s call for the overthrow of mainland China’s leadership in regards to their human rights record has led to a ban on him visiting mainland China. Officials in Beijing have labeled him a “running dog of the colonialists” while human rights activists have named him the “father of democracy”.

Lee has been awarded the International Human Rights Award by the American Bar Association, the Prize For Freedom by the Liberal International, the Democracy Award by the United States' National Endowment for Democracy and as the first non-European to receive the Schuman Medal from the European Peoples Party and European Democrats.

$55 per ticket, plus GST
Please register in advance:

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